Israil sabotaged all comminucation to Gazza fleets !

Watch live streaming video from insaniyardim at
But you can just watch live news about Gazza fleet here.
Then go to street and show that they are not alone, or speak up in internet, create new blogs to help them.
Throw one more stone to Israil !

9 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba

The Tacitus Principle: How Israel and its Apologists Defend the Indefensible

If there is one piece of ancient wisdom that has never lost even a bit of its validity over the centuries, it is Cornelius Tacitus' axiom that, “Crime, once exposed, has no refuge but in audacity.” Indeed, this appears to be the underlying principle of the US-Israeli PR campaign that has been launched in the wake of the almost universally condemned Israeli commando raid on the unarmed Gaza Freedom Flotilla, which carried aid to the Gaza Strip in an effort to break the siege that has strangled the 1.5 million people there since 2007.

The facts of the attack are fairly uncontroversial. The Gaza Freedom Flotilla consists of several multinational, civilian ships carrying humanitarian aid for the population of the Gaza Strip, which has been under siege in some form or other since 1991, a siege that was tightened to the point of denying basic humanitarian supplies after the elected Hamas government defeated a US-Israeli coup attempt led by Muhammad Dahlan in 2007. The ships were inspected before leaving port, and found to contain only humanitarian aid, much of it medical and reconstruction supplies banned

click here to

7 Haziran 2010 Pazartesi

US Media Hide Evidence: Did Israeli Troops Execute or Murder the Mavi Marmara Victims?

US Media Hide Evidence: Did Israeli Troops Execute or Murder the Mavi Marmara Victims?

You want to know why we need independent journalism, and why those of you who are reading this article need to support the publication in which it is appearing? Because if you rely for your news on the US corporate media, whether ad-supported or underwriter-supported, you won’t learn that Furkan Dogan, the 19-year-old American citizen slain by Israeli commandos in the raid on the Gaza-bound flotilla May 31, was shot in the back and in the back of the head, as well as multiple times in the face.

This is the conclusion of the autopsy conducted by the Turkish Council of Forensic Medicine, which also did autopsies on the eight other Turkish citizens killed in the Israeli raid on the Mavi Marmara ferry and five other smaller boats in the so-called Freedom Flotilla. Of the other eight dead, the medical examiners found that five had been shot in the back, or in the back of the head.

 American Youth Furkan Dogan

Shot in the back and the back of the head by Israeli commandos: American youth Furkan Dogan

This critically important information has not appeared in US news reports. Some American news organizations have left out the autopsy information entirely from their reports as of Saturday. CNN, in its report on Friday, did note that five of the nine were shot in the head, and at close range, but the all-important fact that most of the victims were shot from behind was left out. ABC had the same information on Thursday, again without mentioning the shots from behind. In its article on Friday, the NY Times had yet to even name Dogan, the American victim, much less mention the bullets that hit him or how he was shot.

And yet, if you’re trying to establish what happened on that ship, the direction of the firing, not just the number of bullets, or the distance from which they were fired, is crucial.

click here to read the article (on

Osama Qashoo back in Heathrow talking about the Israeli attack on their aid ship to Gaza

5 Haziran 2010 Cumartesi

Protests over Israel's flotilla raid


4 Haziran 2010 Cuma

IHH Press Conference 4 Jun

"We would have another fleet of humanitarian aid on its way if the same thing was done to the jews by the muslims. Such is our philosophy of life. "

Dear members of the press,

We are here with you today and we will again be with the oppressed people there and in other part of the world tomorrow.

I welcome you all and greet you with love and respect.

First of all, I thank my Lord to be alive here today together with you.

Dearest friends,

I would like to start with a confession. While we were under fire on the ship from all sides, the bravery and the resilience of our journalist friends most impressed me.

You are people whose friendship one cannot afford to forget.

I sincerely and genuinely thank you all, all our media and the world's media.

Dear friends,

Our nation has once again showed its greatness in the face of the recent incidents by reacting in the best way possible and with resilience.

For this reason,

we sincerely thank,

our Nation,

our State with all its institutions,

our President,

our Parliament that acted in unity and passed a decision,

our Government, our Prime Minister, our Ministers,

the office of our Commander in Chief,

all our political parties both in government and in opposition,

all the members of our parliament,

all nongovernmental organizations,

the business world that has been aware of the greatness of Turkey before anyone else,

and of course, our volunteer sister and brothers who came from all over the world and risked their lives.

Dear members of the press,

Our group was made up of all sorts of people, including leftists, rightists, liberals, conservatives, atheists, muslims, christians, jews, buddhists...Ours was a civil and pacifist initiative created by conscientious, civilian, unarmed people who carried with them nothing but humanitarian aid.

And we set sail to prove to the people of Gaza, who have been under a siege for years which is not unlike an imprisonment in a castle, that human kindness has not yet died.

Keeping our faith in the spirit of civil power, our Freedom Flotilla did not take any orders or any kind of support from any government during its organization. Our power came solely from the conscience of humanity and the courage of our rightfulness. We wanted to be a source of invigoration for the people of Gaza on whom many states turn a blind eye.

We did not want to be complicit in the oppression against the people of Gaza by keeping silent, not raising our voices and not doing anything.

We all knew well that we were going to be confronted with the government of Israel.

We were aware that this empire of lies and massacres was very capable of slandering even the most innocent efforts and obfuscating the facts.

As a matter of fact, we were guessing that they could stop us from our course with their naval ships and try to prevent us from getting to our destination in all sorts of ways. However, we did not think for a moment the possibility of the fact that they could carry out a massacre, initiate a terror attack on innocent civilians, turn into such vile, brutal criminals and attack the conscience of humanity.

Brothers and sisters,

We were sailing on international waters.

International waters is not anybody's personal property. The Israeli terrorists violated maritime laws that were formed throughout the course of thousand s of years, acted not with the solemnity and responsibility of a state but with the brutality of a band of bandits or a terrorist organization and opened cross fire on us before even descending on our ship.

Journalists from all over the world are witnesses to this.

You are witnesses to this.

And now look what these murderers are saying:

They are accusing us asking why we threw water bottles and plates at them and why we had clubs.

Dear members of the press,

What would you do when confronted with criminals or terrorists that first opened fire on your house and then violated your property with the most advanced firearms?

Ours was self-defense. And self defense is legitimate. It has always been legitimate in all systems of law and throughout history.

I am a lawyer. I should know this better than anyone.

However, we did not defend ourselves with firearms against these terrorists that attacked us with firearms, we did not have such means anyway. Now some people are asking, “Why did you go there?”

We did, because we are humans.

We went out there because we are humans. The conscience of humanity has not yet died, this we wanted to prove to humanity itself. For this, we went out there.

We went and we will go again.

We would have another fleet of humanitarian aid on its way if the same thing was done to the jews by the muslims. Such is our philosophy of life.

Wherever there was an oppressed, disadvantaged person, a child crying in hunger or an orphan, we were there. Just a few months ago, we were in Haiti.

As you all know, a few weeks ago, two of our brothers were martyred when they went to Afghanistan to open an orphanage. We went to Bosnia when the Serbs massacred the Bosnian people. When the hurricane hit the USA, we went to help them. We went to all parts of Africa. We went to Iraq several times. Earthquakes happened in Greece and in Italy and we went to these countries.

We went to all those places because we were human, because this is the meaning of life to us.

You may not get along with a state, you may not approve the way a country is governed. These are legitimate things. Yet, you cannot punish the whole of their people or a whole city.

You cannot deprive a whole city of food, water, medicine and shelter.

This is not legitimate.

Brothers and sisters,

We will keep telling this massacre carried out on innocent, unarmed civilians to everyone for as long as we live.

There will be noone left that does not damn this injustice, brutality and lawlessness.

Those who carried out a massacre on us yesterday with firearms have started yet another attack now.

The government of Israel that has made a career out of lying is slandering our organization.

We know perfectly well that their greatest skill is in lying.

Thank God that the public opinion does not seem to believe even one bit in what this empire of lies says.

The Israeli government is accusing us of supporting terror.

This is a despicable lie.

Israel kills innocent civilians and we are martyred while we are trying to make them live.

Israel kills babies and we are martyred while we are trying to save them.

Israel leaves people without food and we are martyred while are trying to save them from hunger.

Israel leaves people without medicine and we are martyred while we are trying to heal them.

I ask to all people with reason, mercy and conscience: Who is the terrorist?

Brothers and sisters,

If we had been supporters of terror, we would have been supporters of Israel for Israel is the greatest terrorist.

The whole world saw this yet again on the 31st of May, 2010.

Distinguished members of the press,

From now on, we are more hopeful of a better future for all the innocent, oppressed and disadvantaged people all over the world.

And from now on, no oppressors, no murderers, no villains, no outlaws, no bandits, no terrorists and no dictators will be able to get away with what they do.

None of us will allow this.

Just as the Nazis were tried and convicted for what they did to the Jews,

just as the Serbian officials who were responsible for the massacres of Bosnian people were tried and convicted,

the Zionist officials of Israel too will one day be tried and convicted before the eyes of all humanity for what they did. All humanity will follow this and bring this to an end.

Before I end my words, I would like to thank you again for your attention and participation.



from the speeh of Bulent Yildirim, the head of a Turkish charity that organised the flotilla:

'' at first we were at 80 miles from any israeli waters, thus international water. the israeli submarine, 5 battle ships and helicopters and drones were all around the ships. they at first did nothing but escort us, we thought that they were just trying to intimidate as they are in int waters they cant do anything. We were going to deliver aid to palestine via egypts waters not that of israels, yet their attack was illegal but anyway, in the morning as you know muslims pray, right at that moment the israelis started to storm the ship, at first we tried to lock arms and prevent them passing into decks but the israelis, threw tear gas and noise bomb as seen via videos. Israeli say we did not use weapon at first, but arent those bombs waepons?? the shrapnel of these hit and wounded people, as well as the plastic bullets at close range kills, and did. amidst this, the activists picked up poles and chairs etc and started to fight back, as not only is it illegal to storm a ship without right in int waters but if the idf was peaceful they would not have shot people and used tear gas and noise bombs on people if they were just trying to stop

''a re­porter who was only tak­ing pho­tos was shot in the head and killed... two ac­tivists were shot in the head and killed after they sur­ren­dered... many ac­tivists were shot and thrown to the sea and these are gone miss­ing.... two is­raeli sol­diers taken by the civil­ians and after they were treat­ed nice­ly by ac­tivists for their small injuries...​then the doc­tor who went to de­liv­ered in­jured is­raeli sol­dier, he was car­ry­ing no weapons and he was shot 5 times in the stom­ach... the ac­tivists were tor­tured after they were taken in cus­tody.... and is­raeli forces start­ed fire be­fore they board the ship.... is­raeli sol­diers shot peo­ple who sur­ren­dered.. every gun had 2 plas­tic bul­lets, the 3rd and lat­ter bul­lets were all real.. they start­ed killing ac­tivists be­fore they board­ed on the ship, they car­ried the in­jured by chop­pers one by one, though they could have car­ried all at once... is­raeli doc­tors treat­ed the in­jured with­out anaes­the­sia..'' A jour­nal­ist from Dogan News Agen­cy in Turkey that was on the Gaza flotil­la: "Is­raelis con­fis­cat­ed all jour­nal­ists' footages. So, I don't know what hap­pened to them right now"

"Activists had seized guns but threw them overboard. "We told our friends on board: 'We will die, become martyrs, but never let us be sh...own... as the ones who used guns'."

"we will never give up ,we will go with new aid flotillas, than goverment should think what will they do!"

This is Israel !

Bulent Yildirim, the head of a Turkish charity that organised the flotilla, denied Israeli claims that the activists opened fire first, with guns they seized from the Israelis. He said activists had seized guns but threw them overboard. "We told our friends on board: 'We will die, become martyrs, but never let us be sh...own... as the ones who used guns'." (irishtimes)

3 Haziran 2010 Perşembe

2 Haziran 2010 Çarşamba

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation/TURKEY's photostream

Chief Engineer Ekrem Çetin. Mavi Marmara Passenger Ship, Freedom Flotilla on the way to Gaza. 28-29-30 May 2010.

Chief Engineer Ekrem Çetin. Mavi Marmara Passenger Ship, Freedom  Flotilla on the way to Gaza. 28-29-30 May 2010. by IHH Humanitarian  Relief Foundation/TURKEY

PRESS RELEASE 01 June 2010

PRESS RELEASE 01 June 2010

Dear Press Members;

38 hours have passed since Israel carried out brutal attacks on our ships of “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load” campaign. Unfortunately, our concerned wait still continues. We have shared the stories of those who have been deported and returned to Turkey, with you. Their stories clearly show the extent that the Israeli terror goes to. Especially the testimony by Nilufer Cetin whose 1,5 year-old toddler was kept in detention for hours proves us right in our concerns. Nilufer, told us about those who martyred of treatable injuries following the attacks due to a lack of emergency treatment. Yesterday, we shared with you our concern about possible deaths of the injured due to a lack of treatment. Sadly, through our returning friends’ words, we found out that the ship turned into a lake of blood. Israel put handcuffs even on those who were severely injured. Moreover, Israel still has not given a definite number of our martyrs. We fear that our friends especially those from the organization’s administrative board might be prosecuted following the interrogations. We invite Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Ministry to be cautious about this. Another matter of fact that we continuously mention in our press meetings as well is that we will be pursuing legal action regarding both the terrorist attack and the aid cargo of ours. We will take it as far as it gets. Accordingly, families of those who were on the ship have given authorizations to the lawyers assigned by Mazlum-Der. We would like everyone to know that we will bring those who are responsible for the terrorist attacks to account. We also demand international independent observers to be present during the unloading of the ships in Ashdod harbor of Israel who once again has proven to be a terrorist state, because we fear that Israel will set up a complot by placing weapons into the humanitarian aid cargo while unloading. Everyone should be certain that the terrorist state will do everything to veil its brutality.

Kind Regards

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation

Declaration by High Representative Catherine Ashton on behalf of the EU on the Israeli military operation against the Flotilla

Declaration by High Representative Catherine Ashton on behalf of the EU on the Israeli military operation against the Flotilla

31 MAY 2010

The EU deeply regrets the loss of life during the Israeli military operation in international waters against the Flotilla sailing to Gaza and offers its condolences to the families of the victims. The EU condemns the use of violence that has produced a high number of victims among the members of the flotilla and demands an immediate, full and impartial inquiry into the events and the circumstances surrounding them. The humanitarian situation in Gaza remains a source of grave concern. The EU does not accept the continued policy of closure. It is unacceptable and politically counterproductive. We need to urgently achieve a durable solution to the situation in Gaza. The EU underlines its call for an immediate, sustained and unconditional opening of crossings for the flow of humanitarian aid, commercial goods and persons to and from Gaza. The EU calls on Israel to urgently provide Member States with consular access to and information about their citizens. The EU calls upon all parties and relevant actors to prevent a further escalation of tensions and underlines the need to continue the proximity talks with a view to the resumption of direct negotiationS.

This press release is available at:

IHH the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief

IHH the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief

IHH, the Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief was established in 1994. It has consultative membership to the United Nations Economic and Social Council and carries out humanitarian relief campaigns at UN standards and in the framework of the principles of UN. Besides the UN Consultative Membership, IHH is a member of many international institutions such as the Humanitarian Forum of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, Humanitarian Forum, Council of International Organizations for Relief in Iraq and the Union of NGO’s of the Islamic World.

Without making any discrimination among religions, languages, ethnicities, regions, ideologies and genders, IHH works with the principles of conducting humanitarian relief campaigns for people who need humanitarian relief and who are repressed. In the framework of these principles, IHH has carried out many humanitarian relief campaigns in 5 continents and in 120 countries across the globe from Palestine to Bosnia Herzegovina, from Vietnam to the USA, from Afghanistan to Haiti, from Ethiopia to Greece, from Georgia to Italy.

As it does it with Red Crescent, the UN and the Red Cross, IHH conducts its campaigns in cooperation with many international institutions. The humanitarian relief journey to Gaza is the best example of such a global cooperation. With Turkey and Turkish individuals and Turkish NGO’s, many individuals and NGO’s from Germany, the USA, Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Bosnia Herzegovina, Algeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Palestine, France, South Africa, Ireland, England, Spain, Israel, Sweden, Canada, Kosovo, Kuwait, Lebanon, Macedonia, Malaysia, Egypt, Mauritania, Pakistan, Syria, Oman, Jordan, Yemen, New Zealand and Greece have participated in the Gaza humanitarian relief journey.

As a result of such successful campaigns, IHH has been honored with many awards such as Turkish Parliamentary Award of Honor, Award of Foundation that Makes Best Use of Resources” by the Turkish General Directorate of Foundations, Best Project Ever Achieved by the Turkish General Directorate of Foundations.

Press Release

Press Release

Veysel Basar, member of IHH Board, held a press conference on 31st of May, 2010 in Istanbul headquarters of IHH (The Foundation For Human Rights And Freedoms And Humanitarian Relief). You can find the full text of the press meeting below:

Dear Press Members,

14 hours passed after the “state terror” carried out by Israel without any respect for the international laws. However, we still have not received any news from our friends and our ships. Because of this, the dreaded waiting still continues. Unfortunately, we still do not know about the number of martyrs and the conditions under which the injured is being kept. Israel is now carrying out “terror of information” following the act of “armed terror” they carried out this morning by brutally attacking our friends. However, we would like everyone to know that we will never give up on our struggle, we will claim back the bodies of our martyrs, the injured and the humanitarian aid cargo on those ships. We would like to ensure everyone that we will do everything to fulfill our responsibilities of delivering the aid and be true to our people’s trust.

Unfortunately, Israel’s terror of information does not only apply to delivery of information to us regarding our martyrs and the injured. Israel is doing everything they can in order to justify their terrorizing acts and now since this morning they have been throwing another lie saying that its soldiers were attacked with weapons.

Once again, I would like to emphasize that our ships embarked on their journey after being thoroughly checked by Ireland, Turkey and Greece customs authorities and all the embarkation procedures were completed with precise care and all necessary documents were filed. Therefore, the fact that our ships were carrying humanitarian aid only has been confirmed by the international law. However, we are concerned about a possible complot after Israel invaded our ships; they may have placed weapons onboard, or plan to do so from now on. All kinds of dirty tricks and moral weakness may be expected from a terrorist state that murdered those innocent people whose only aim was delivering humanitarian aid to those who are in need.

According to the Israeli sources, 39 journalists from Turkey will be deported and sent back to Turkey. We will hold a welcome-back ceremony for those friends of ours and make a press statement together in front of the Israeli Consulate in Levent, Istanbul.

We will be serving our turn of duty in Levent until all our friends are released and the bodies of our martyrs are delivered to us.

As our Prime Minister stated, Israel has committed an act of inhumane state terrorism. The attack on our ships have once again shown that Israel does not want peace in the region. Besides, it does everything to still justify and continue its bloodthirsty actions. We are much more determined to free Palestine than Israel is determined to shed blood.

We will continue to provide you with accurate information.

Kind Regards

General information on the missions of Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Viva Palestina convoy

General information on the missions of Gaza Freedom Flotilla and Viva Palestina convoy

Is the flotilla carrying anything other than humanitarian aid cargo?

No. The ships are carrying humanitarian aid only. The flotilla will deliver things like medical aid, food, clothing items, prefabricated homes, children’s playgrounds, stationery items, iron bars, cement. There is not even a razor, knife or jackknife onboard.

Is the flotilla going to violate Israeli territorial waters?

Absolutely NO. The flotilla did not even pass close by the Israeli waters. The ships were sailing through international waters right into Gaza without violating any country’s territorial waters. Gaza is a Palestinian territory, does not belong to Israel. Israel is an occupier in Gaza. The blockade imposed on Gaza since 2006 is completely illegal, it is nothing but oppressive and totalitarian. UN Security Council Resolution 1860 stated that the embargo is illegal and a violation of human rights and has to be removed immediately. We do not need Israel’s approval in order to arrive in Gaza through international waters, since Israel does not have any right in international waters and Gaza waters according to international laws.

Is the flotilla organized by mainstream Turkish people only?

No. The flotilla has participants, donors and organizers from all around the world. People from all walks of life, of different religions, races, ideologies come from 50 countries including England, Spain, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Australia, Sweden, Mauritania, Macedonia, Bahrain, Pakistan, Vatican, Germany, Argentina, Morocco, Italy, Canada, Syria, Lebanon, Amman, South Africa, France, Bosnia Herzegovina, New Zealand, the U.S.A., Ireland, Greece, Yemen, Jordan, Albania, Egypt and Turkey. Around half of those people are Turkish citizens and the rest are nationals of other countries. There are Muslims, Christian, Jews, Atheists, Agnostics, Pagans…etc. on the ships. Besides, around 30 of the passengers are European MPs. Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire, former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, a Holocaust survivor in her 80s named Hedy Epstein, a retired U.S. army colonel and lawmakers from a dozen European countries are also onboard.

Are the participants of the flotilla only supporters and members of IHH?

No. There are hundreds of NGOs and international organizations supporting the flotilla. People with various political ideologies, from different ethnic groups, religious affiliations…etc within Turkey give their support to this flotilla campaign. People of Turkey including Kurds, Armenians, Turks, Circassians …etc united as one and support this flotilla.

Does the flotilla have an anti-Semitist agenda?

NO, absolutely no. Gaza flotilla has been organized in order to break the illegal and inhumane embargo on Gaza imposed by Israel as a “collective punishment” of the people of Palestine. People from all religions join and support the flotilla with a conscience in order to raise awareness of the violations of human rights in Gaza. Jews from various countries are also onboard the boats. Thus, one of the passengers of the flotilla is Hedy Epstein a Holocaust survivor. Besides, organizations such as European Jews for Justice and the Jewish Call support the flotilla to Gaza.

How does Israel justify the blockade on Gaza?

In the aftermath of the democratic elections in 2006 in Gaza, Israel decided that it can punish the people of Gaza collectively by imposing the inhumane embargo because of their democratic choices. This policy of Israel has been subject to criticism by the UN and Amnesty International in their annual human rights report. Both organizations declared Israeli embargo as “collective punishment” which is against the Fourth Geneva Convention. European Union have also made an official statement a few days ago regarding the flotilla and demanded Israel to lift the siege unconditionally and immediately.

Israel states that Gaza is in good condition and does not really need humanitarian aid. They also claim that regular delivery of aid to Gaza is carried out by Israel. Is this true?

No, it is not. Currently more 75% of Gaza is totally destroyed, still suffering the consequences of Israeli offensive Operation Cast Lead in 2008-09. This is a fact confirmed by the UNDP reports. Claiming to attack military bases in Gaza, Israel left Gaza in total destruction. Over 6000 families still live in tents. In the last 2 years over 10,000 people in Gaza lost their lives due to treatable diseases because of the embargo. People of Gaza are deprived off their most basic need. Israel, with the excuse that it will be used to construct military bases does not allow entry to construction materials, cement, iron bars…etc. at all. All of these facts and more are listed in both by the UN (Goldstone Report) and Amnesty International in their report on Gaza, the information is made accessible to the whole world.

If your aim is to help the people of Gaza, wouldn’t you be able to co-operate with the Israeli government in delivering the aid?

Unfortunately not. IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation launched an official written application to the Israeli consulate here in Turkey 1,5 years ago asking for co-operation and still have not received any response from their side. Thus, Israeli government is not sincere when it comes to humanitarian aid delivery to Gaza and so far they made this clear by their actions. Besides, Israel and the inhumane embargo are responsible for the humanitarian crisis in Gaza anyway.

Gaza has borders both with Israel Egypt, therefore you could have deliver the aid cargo through Egypt by land, wouldn’t this be more convenient and efficient?

Unfortunately no. Egyptian government has not been making aid delivery any easier than Israel has, thanks to their fear of harming their relation with Israel and this affecting their political interests negatively.

Israel claims that they declared Gaza territorial waters as their own sovereignty because of Israel’s national security concerns. According to international law, what does this “national security zone” policy mean?

It means nothing and no one else can be held liable by Israel’s own set of rules. The embargo imposed on Gaza is an illegal, inhumane and immoral policy of Israel. UN Security Council Resolution 1860 marked the embargo as illegal and stated that it should be lifted immediately.

What would be the consequences of an attack on a civilian ship that is carrying the flag of a NATO member in international waters?

We do not know, however, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Turkey made a statement that says promising reprisals if the Israeli Navy prevents the Freedom Flotilla from reaching the Gaza Strip.

Israel stated that they will stop the flotilla no matter what the costs may be . Should Israel intercept civilian ships which are not violating its territorial waters and haul the ships to an Israeli harbor, what will be the consequences in terms of international laws?

That will be nothing but a pure act of piracy. It should also be noted that those Israeli officials who make and implement that kind of operation will have to bear with the consequences. Moreover, activists (including a number of MPs) are citizens of 50 countries. In case Israel attempts a military operation on a civilian ship in international waters, it is certain that they will experience difficulties in their relations with 50 countries. Thus, piracy and oppression will lead to the isolation of Israel in the eyes of international public and will contribute to Israel’s reputation as a “terrorist state”.

Israel justifies its actions and blockade by claiming that they are in a state of war. What does this statement mean in terms of international laws?

According to international laws and Fourth Geneva Convention, even in a state of war humanitarian aid cannot be subjected to blockade and no restriction on aid delivery can be performed in war zones.

What happens if the Israeli defense forces detains the peace activists and deport them back to their home countries? Is everything going to be alright for Israel then?

No. Aid volunteers are determined to carry out nonviolent resistance against Israeli aggression. Soon we will be organizing other larger aid flotillas to the region. Sooner or later, Israel will have to lift the siege and end the embargo. Their aggression will result in nothing but isolation of Israel in the eyes of the international community.

Israel trying to act bold in order to let go of guilt!

General info about Freedom Flotilla

General info about Freedom Flotilla

Since 2006, Gaza has been under Israeli embargo because of the “unpleasant” outcome of the democratic elections in Palestine, people of Gaza are left to die gradually. Palestinians are deprived of even their most basic human needs. More than 4.000 people are left homeless and 60% of the population in embargo-stricken Gaza is trying to survive by an income below the line of poverty thanks to the inhumane embargo. Former residents of around 4.000 buildings, destroyed by Israeli attacks last year, now live in either with their relatives or in tents because construction materials are not let through the borders. Again, a huge number of people do not have access to essential medicines due to the restraint on the importing of medical supplies. Hundreds of people, in need of medical treatment, either lose their lives or to become permanently incapacitated because of the embargo.

We arrived in Gaza in the beginning of this year with participation and support from the international public to our “Viva Palestina” convoy in order to break the embargo by land. We now plan to realize a similar campaign this time by the sea. While counting down to the departure of tons of aid items collected for Palestine via non-governmental efforts throughout the world, volunteers around the world work intensively to make this international solidarity campaign successful.

The flotilla, which will carry medical supplies and construction materials in 9 ships together with more than 600 participants including parliamentarians from more than 50 countries, artists, intellectuals, activists, doctors…etc, will be delivering more than 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid to Gaza in May thanks to those hundreds of people with a conscience.

Embargo is a crime against humanity, its implementation is not acceptable on any community. We, as people of today, are responsible to the mankind, to next generations and to children of Palestine, we must remove the embargo. We hope, by this flotilla campaign, “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load” , the embargo will be removed and the humanitarian aid we deliver brings relief to people of Palestine. On behalf of the flotilla which represents the common conscience of the peoples of the world, I invite you to support this campaign to break the embargo.

Press release by Gaza Freedom Flotilla in Antalya, Turkey in 26.05.2010.

Press release by Gaza Freedom Flotilla in Antalya, Turkey in 26.05.2010.

Below you can find the press release given out by “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load” Flotilla in Antalya.

Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load Flotilla, which consists of 9 ships, carrying 750 passengers in total including 35 MPs, numerous press members, artists, intellectuals, writers, representatives from NGOs, activists, women and children and 15,000 tons of humanitarian aid cargo. On the other hand, millions of people around the world have been watching this flotilla in their own countries, as supporters.

These ships are carrying onboard the common conscience of people of the world, prayers and wishes in all languages, playgrounds for children, medical aid supplies for the injured and the sick, construction materials for building back the schools for the children and homes of thousands who currently live in tents or in ruins. The cargo of the ships has been checked and approved by independent international organizations; the ships are certainly carrying nothing else but humanitarian aid. Israel claims that they are helping Gaza. We know that Israel only allows clothing items sold by Israeli dealers and has given nominal permissions to a few sick and injured people out of Gaza. However, basic needs of Palestinians are completely different both in terms of quality and quantity. This fact has been openly stated in numerous reports by international organizations. Aid cargo on these ships include power units to be used in order to maintain access to clean water, construction materials for building homes, children’s playgrounds as means of psychosocial rehabilitation for the children of Gaza, tools and equipments to restore the downed sewerage system of Gaza which now threatens the public health… etc.

Moreover, Israel claims that they are allowing all of the NGOs attempting to bring humanitarian aid into Gaza. It is proven by documents that this is a lie. Also the application filed by IHH received no response. This fact stated here is again based on official documents. On the other hand, UNRWA has declared that the aid cargo carried by the flotilla is very important for Gaza and much needed by the people of Palestine, stating that they hope this rightful and needed flotilla would not become subject to illegal obstructions by Israel.

Meanwhile, Israeli high officials have been making strangely intense statements through which the state of panic they are currently can be sensed in regards to the flotilla. They are spreading out various claims in order to deliberately create a stressful atmosphere. They claim that the flotilla has a political agenda other than its stated aim and Israel says that they will attack the ships, arrest the passengers…etc. These statements aim at intimidating, preventing and dissuading the participants of the flotilla.

Israel again tends to stop the attempts of breaking the embargo which is a collective punishment to the people of Palestine in Gaza in a completely illegal way in international terms. However, Israel still has not been able to clean up the shame caused by arresting the activists in the previous flotilla and ramming the ships.

Current Israeli government causes itself to become isolated by declaring everyone as its enemy. In fact, it is isolating the Jewish people by doing so. It has turned Gaza into a prisoner camp and has been carrying out a genocide. This camp and genocidal acts very much resemble Hitler’s actions in history. It is an important duty for all the Jews, especially the Jews from Turkey living in Israel. We are calling out to them and to all people of Israel to stand for justice. We would like them to also know that Jewish people that live in Israel will become totally isolated from the rest of the world thanks to these Israeli policies. Because Israel waged a war against peace and humanity. Soon, they may face great difficulties and embargo because of this reason. If, one day, they turn into an embargo-stricken nation in need of humanitarian aid, everybody in this flotilla campaign will again work with the same degree of determination and passion to break the embargo that will be imposed on them.

The statements and the attitude of Israeli officials should be seen an attitude against peace. Their reaction does not comply with the requirements of logic and humanity. As long as people of Israel remain silent, they will be supporting these invasive and inhumane policies which are completely against international laws. As a matter of fact, this attitude ignited serious debates among Israeli public. The most necessary and right thing Israel will do is to allow these ships into Gaza.

It is important to underline the fact that this flotilla has got a humanitarian agenda only. This flotilla gathered its support from the people of the world and it is the voice of the common conscience of all humankind. Its legitimacy comes from the international laws and the conscience of all humankind. It is obviously and indisputably a legitimate act. The people of the world are now taking a stance against the occupation, attacks and the embargo carried out by Israel which are more dangerous than nuclear weapons for humankind and the future generations.

People are now making their voices heard and forcing their governments to care for the oppressed and the poor, for the world peace and for their own future. This is why the flotilla will ruin a lot of bad games.

This campaign has been completely organized by NGOs and these are all independent organizations. The only place they depend on is the hearts of those good people.

Israel claims that this is a campaign to support Hamas. We need to make it clear that none of those organizations is the addressee of this campaign, whether it be Hamas, PLO or any other leftist organizations. Our only addressee is the people of Palestine.

This embargo is a crime against humanity and a shameful thing. It has been happening in our lifetime. Today, we are the ones responsible to the future generations as the witnesses of this inhumane embargo and we will carry out all these humanitarian efforts to fulfill that responsibility. We believe that there is enough space for everyone in this world and we can all live together peacefully in this world.

Gaza is waiting for help

Gaza is waiting for help

We are setting out with aid ships in May.

A major initiative is underway to deliver aid by the sea to Gaza Strip, which has been under an inhumane embargo for over three years. Hundreds of concerned people will set out onboard 9 ships in May to deliver over 10,000 tons of humanitarian aid cargo to Gaza.

In Gaza, where 60 percent of the population lives under the poverty line, thousands of people are without homes thanks to the illegal embargo forced by Israel. Residents of about 4,000 houses that were destroyed in the latest Israeli military campaign are now living in tents or together with their relatives, because importing construction materials into Gaza is not allowed. There is also a shortage of emergency care medicines due to the restrictions at borders. Many patients either are crippled for life or die due to a lack of access to proper medical care, medicines or medical equipment.

IHH, The Foundation for Human Rights and Freedoms and Humanitarian Relief, successfully led the “Set out for Palestine” aid convoy in January of this year to break the embargo, and is now preparing to launch another convoy by the sea. Hundreds of aid workers will be carrying thousands of tons of relief supplies as well as construction materials that are urgently needed in the territory, onboard a number of ships, some of which are due to sail off from Europe. Construction materials will be used in rebuilding Gaza’s destroyed civil infrastructure and facilities, which were torn down by Israel, as well as homes of thousands of Palestinian families.

Large amounts of relief supplies collected worldwide through voluntary activities are awaiting dispatch to Palestine, while international humanitarian platform against Israel continue to expand. Seven smaller aid boats have successfully managed to deliver relief supplies to Palestine since the embargo was imposed three years ago, but this will be the first time such a large scale aid effort is attempted. To achieve this objective, thousands of volunteers are working meticulously worldwide. IHH, who has taken responsibility for organizing this giant task, is trying to make sure that they fulfill all the humanitarian, legal, technical and political requirements to ensure the safe and sound arrival of the aid flotilla in Gaza which will set sail in April.

Support from all nations is needed to successfully carry out such a major aid campaign. In this regard, we are reiterating our call for co-operation and support out to benevolent people to help Palestinian people recover. You too can contribute to the delivery of thousands of tons of humanitarian aid cargo to Palestine and take part in this convoy, which has become the common voice of concerned people worldwide.



The people of Gaza has been subjected to an increasingly severe blockade by Israel, resulting in a man-made humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions for over four years.

People of Gaza are trying to meet their most basic needs through tunnels, as unemployment rates hit 70%. 60% of the population lives under the poverty line, thousands of people are without homes. The United Nations has referred to Israel’s near hermetic closure of Gaza as “collective punishment,” strictly prohibited under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. All nations signatory to the Convention have an obligation to ensure respect for its provisions.

Amnesty International’s Annual Human Rights Report stated that Israeli’s siege on Gaza has “deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages left four out of five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law.”

Gaza desperately needs this humanitarian aid. We are talking about a region where the 75% of infrastructure has been destroyed by Israel’s latest attacks. During Operation Cast Lead carried out by Israel in December 2008- January 2009, around 1500 Palestinians lost their lives. In fall 2009, Goldstone Report was declared by the UN. The UN and other Amnesty reports have made it clear that there are human rights violations in Gaza. In addition to the dead, more than 5000 people were injured during the attacks. More than 6000 homes were destroyed. Other than those died during the Israeli offensive, around 10,000 people have lost their lives due to treatable diseases, kidney problems and cancer because of the restrictions on the medicines and medical equipment.

According to a report by the United Nations Development Programme in May, 2010, despite the fact that 16 months have passed over the attacks, three fourth of the damage caused by the attacks in Gaza have not been repaired yet because of the closure. Around 5000 families are trying to survive in tents in Gaza.

Palestine, Gaza in particular, continues to be the most sensitive issues in the eyes of world public and Muslim community around the world. Governments’ failure to create constructive solutions regarding the issue contributes to the emergence and significance of civilian initiatives.

End of last year, the world witnessed another example of civilian solidarity with Palestine and in December 2009, Viva Palestina convoy was launched with the participation of people from regions such as Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia in order to show their support to the people of Palestine. IHH (The Foundation For Human Rights And Freedoms And Humanitarian Relief) organized the Turkey and the Middles East leg of the convoy which was the third convoy to Gaza up until then. By this vehicle convoy, 155 vehicles travelled to Gaza including ambulances, garbage trucks, minivans and meals on wheels. 220 people from Turkey joined the convoy in addition to 500 volunteers from over 17 countries. The convoy launched from Turkey on the 6th of December and reached Gaza on the 7th of January, 2010 travelling through Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Through this vehicle convoy, aid cargo was delivered to the people of Gaza who had run out of medical supplies. The convoy attracted enormous attention from the public throughout the journey and Palestine was the number one news in those countries on the route for a while.

Following the Viva Palestina convoy by land, another major initiative, called “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load”, is underway to deliver aid by the sea to Gaza Strip. Hundreds of concerned people set out onboard 9 ships in May to deliver humanitarian aid cargo to Gaza. Thousands of volunteers from around the world have been working towards realizing this campaign through which over 10,000 tons of aid will be delivered to Gaza onboard ships from Ireland, England, Kuwait, Algeria, Greece and Turkey. From the start of the embargo, seven other flotillas consisting of small ships have reached Palestine, but a large-scale aid campaign such as this one has been never run before.

Around 800 people from all walks of life, of different religions and nationalities joined the flotilla from over 50 countries including representatives of NGOs, donors, activists, press members and MPs. Passengers of the Freedom Flotilla come from countries like Britain, Spain, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Australia, Sweden, Mauritania, Macedonia, Bahrain, Pakistan, Vatican, Germany, Argentina, Morocco, Italy, Canada, Syria, Lebanon, Amman, South Africa, France, Bosnia Herzegovina, New Zealand, the U.S.A., Ireland, Greece, Yemen, Jordan, Albania, Egypt and Turkey.

There are also 2 MPs from Germany, 1 from Sweden, 1 from England, 10 from Algeria, 1 from Kuwait, 1 from Jordan, 3 from Yemen, 1 from Bahrain, 2 from Egypt onboard the flotilla. Muhammad Zeidan, Raed Salah, Hanin Zuabi are amongst the participants of the flotilla in addition to a Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire, former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, a Holocaust survivor in her 80s named Hedy Epstein, a retired U.S. army colonel and lawmakers from a dozen European countries.

Aid cargo that will be delivered to Gaza via this flotilla contains 150 tons of iron, 98 power units of all kinds, 50 precast homes, 16 units of children’s playgrounds including combined sets, seesaws and slides and medical equipments such as ultrasound scan devices, x-ray devices, electric patient beds, dentistry units, Doppler echocardiography devices, wheelchairs, disabled electric mobility scooters, stretchers, deambulateurs, autoclaves, mammography device, microscopes, hemodialysis machines, radiology monitors, crutches, ENT Units, operating beds, gynecological couches, textiles such as towels, bedding, shoes, fabric, carpets, kitchenware, quilts, blankets, couches and beds, construction supplies including tiles, timber, fiberboard, cage, plumbing supplies, electric equipment, plastic window frames, glass, steel cables, measuring tools, hand carts, nails, mountings, bathroom fittings, paint, power distribution units, ladders, isolation materials.

Israeli government is now preparing a military operation to stop the humanitarian aid flotilla which is carrying hundreds of activists and over 10,000 tons of aid materials and is expected to arrive in Gaza within a few days from now. Israeli Ministers during a recent meeting regarding the flotilla decided that if the flotilla does not turn back, the boats will be hauled to an Israeli port, the activists sent back to their countries and the supplies transferred to Gaza by land. The operation will be run by the navy. Palestinian activists will be arrested in Ashdod and rest of the activists will be deported after being interrogated.

However, the flotilla will be sailing through international waters only before entering the Gaza territorial waters. If Israel attempts to intercept the ships in the international waters, that will be a clear violation of international laws. Israel has no right to touch civilian ships sailing in international waters. Israel’s Foreign Affairs Ministry has started a propaganda campaign trying to impose the idea that the flotilla is not carrying anything of crucial necessity to Gaza and Israel has been delivering these goods via “proper means” into the territory. However, a document has been declared by Gisha, an Israeli human rights advocacy organization, in May, 2010. The document contains a short list of goods allowed entry and a huge list of some of the items that are not allowed into Gaza including food items such as fruit jam, chocolate, vinegar, halwa (a desert made of sesame seeds, butter, sugar and flour), ginger, potato chips, dried fruits, construction materials such as timber, cement, iron bars, plastic, metal and glass containers, textile items, fishing equipment, notebooks, A4 printing papers, pens, pencils, other stationery goods, livestock including horse, goat, cattle and poultry… etc.

9 ships in total are planned to join the flotilla, 3 from Turkey, 1 from Greece, 1 from Ireland, 2 from England, 1 from Algeria and 1 from Kuwait. The ships embarked on from Antalya on the 27th of May, Thursday night. The ships are going to meet the rest of the flotilla in international waters at an assigned meeting point near of Cyprus. If not intercepted, the ships will arrive in Gaza in 24 hours after leaving on Saturday from that meeting point.

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation



The people of Gaza has been subjected to an increasingly severe blockade by Israel, resulting in a man-made humanitarian catastrophe of epic proportions for over four years.

People of Gaza are trying to meet their most basic needs through tunnels, as unemployment rates hit 70%. 60% of the population lives under the poverty line, thousands of people are without homes. The United Nations has referred to Israel’s near hermetic closure of Gaza as “collective punishment,” strictly prohibited under Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention. All nations signatory to the Convention have an obligation to ensure respect for its provisions.

Amnesty International’s Annual Human Rights Report stated that Israeli’s siege on Gaza has “deepened the ongoing humanitarian crisis. Mass unemployment, extreme poverty, food insecurity and food price rises caused by shortages left four out of five Gazans dependent on humanitarian aid. The scope of the blockade and statements made by Israeli officials about its purpose showed that it was being imposed as a form of collective punishment of Gazans, a flagrant violation of international law.”

Gaza desperately needs this humanitarian aid. We are talking about a region where the 75% of infrastructure has been destroyed by Israel’s latest attacks. During Operation Cast Lead carried out by Israel in December 2008- January 2009, around 1500 Palestinians lost their lives. In fall 2009, Goldstone Report was declared by the UN. The UN and other Amnesty reports have made it clear that there are human rights violations in Gaza. In addition to the dead, more than 5000 people were injured during the attacks. More than 6000 homes were destroyed. Other than those died during the Israeli offensive, around 10,000 people have lost their lives due to treatable diseases, kidney problems and cancer because of the restrictions on the medicines and medical equipment.

According to a report by the United Nations Development Programme in May, 2010, despite the fact that 16 months have passed over the attacks, three fourth of the damage caused by the attacks in Gaza have not been repaired yet because of the closure. Around 5000 families are trying to survive in tents in Gaza.

Palestine, Gaza in particular, continues to be the most sensitive issues in the eyes of world public and Muslim community around the world. Governments’ failure to create constructive solutions regarding the issue contributes to the emergence and significance of civilian initiatives.

End of last year, the world witnessed another example of civilian solidarity with Palestine and in December 2009, Viva Palestina convoy was launched with the participation of people from regions such as Americas, Europe, the Middle East and Asia in order to show their support to the people of Palestine. IHH (The Foundation For Human Rights And Freedoms And Humanitarian Relief) organized the Turkey and the Middles East leg of the convoy which was the third convoy to Gaza up until then. By this vehicle convoy, 155 vehicles travelled to Gaza including ambulances, garbage trucks, minivans and meals on wheels. 220 people from Turkey joined the convoy in addition to 500 volunteers from over 17 countries. The convoy launched from Turkey on the 6th of December and reached Gaza on the 7th of January, 2010 travelling through Syria, Jordan and Egypt. Through this vehicle convoy, aid cargo was delivered to the people of Gaza who had run out of medical supplies. The convoy attracted enormous attention from the public throughout the journey and Palestine was the number one news in those countries on the route for a while.

Following the Viva Palestina convoy by land, another major initiative, called “Palestine Our Route, Humanitarian Aid Our Load”, is underway to deliver aid by the sea to Gaza Strip. Hundreds of concerned people set out onboard 9 ships in May to deliver humanitarian aid cargo to Gaza. Thousands of volunteers from around the world have been working towards realizing this campaign through which over 10,000 tons of aid will be delivered to Gaza onboard ships from Ireland, England, Kuwait, Algeria, Greece and Turkey. From the start of the embargo, seven other flotillas consisting of small ships have reached Palestine, but a large-scale aid campaign such as this one has been never run before.

Around 800 people from all walks of life, of different religions and nationalities joined the flotilla from over 50 countries including representatives of NGOs, donors, activists, press members and MPs. Passengers of the Freedom Flotilla come from countries like Britain, Spain, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kuwait, Australia, Sweden, Mauritania, Macedonia, Bahrain, Pakistan, Vatican, Germany, Argentina, Morocco, Italy, Canada, Syria, Lebanon, Amman, South Africa, France, Bosnia Herzegovina, New Zealand, the U.S.A., Ireland, Greece, Yemen, Jordan, Albania, Egypt and Turkey.

There are also 2 MPs from Germany, 1 from Sweden, 1 from England, 10 from Algeria, 1 from Kuwait, 1 from Jordan, 3 from Yemen, 1 from Bahrain, 2 from Egypt onboard the flotilla. Muhammad Zeidan, Raed Salah, Hanin Zuabi are amongst the participants of the flotilla in addition to a Nobel Peace Prize laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire, former U.S. Rep. Cynthia McKinney, a Holocaust survivor in her 80s named Hedy Epstein, a retired U.S. army colonel and lawmakers from a dozen European countries.

Aid cargo that will be delivered to Gaza via this flotilla contains 150 tons of iron, 98 power units of all kinds, 50 precast homes, 16 units of children’s playgrounds including combined sets, seesaws and slides and medical equipments such as ultrasound scan devices, x-ray devices, electric patient beds, dentistry units, Doppler echocardiography devices, wheelchairs, disabled electric mobility scooters, stretchers, deambulateurs, autoclaves, mammography device, microscopes, hemodialysis machines, radiology monitors, crutches, ENT Units, operating beds, gynecological couches, textiles such as towels, bedding, shoes, fabric, carpets, kitchenware, quilts, blankets, couches and beds, construction supplies including tiles, timber, fiberboard, cage, plumbing supplies, electric equipment, plastic window frames, glass, steel cables, measuring tools, hand carts, nails, mountings, bathroom fittings, paint, power distribution units, ladders, isolation materials.

Israeli government is now preparing a military operation to stop the humanitarian aid flotilla which is carrying hundreds of activists and over 10,000 tons of aid materials and is expected to arrive in Gaza within a few days from now. Israeli Ministers during a recent meeting regarding the flotilla decided that if the flotilla does not turn back, the boats will be hauled to an Israeli port, the activists sent back to their countries and the supplies transferred to Gaza by land. The operation will be run by the navy. Palestinian activists will be arrested in Ashdod and rest of the activists will be deported after being interrogated.

However, the flotilla will be sailing through international waters only before entering the Gaza territorial waters. If Israel attempts to intercept the ships in the international waters, that will be a clear violation of international laws. Israel has no right to touch civilian ships sailing in international waters. Israel’s Foreign Affairs Ministry has started a propaganda campaign trying to impose the idea that the flotilla is not carrying anything of crucial necessity to Gaza and Israel has been delivering these goods via “proper means” into the territory. However, a document has been declared by Gisha, an Israeli human rights advocacy organization, in May, 2010. The document contains a short list of goods allowed entry and a huge list of some of the items that are not allowed into Gaza including food items such as fruit jam, chocolate, vinegar, halwa (a desert made of sesame seeds, butter, sugar and flour), ginger, potato chips, dried fruits, construction materials such as timber, cement, iron bars, plastic, metal and glass containers, textile items, fishing equipment, notebooks, A4 printing papers, pens, pencils, other stationery goods, livestock including horse, goat, cattle and poultry… etc.

9 ships in total are planned to join the flotilla, 3 from Turkey, 1 from Greece, 1 from Ireland, 2 from England, 1 from Algeria and 1 from Kuwait. The ships embarked on from Antalya on the 27th of May, Thursday night. The ships are going to meet the rest of the flotilla in international waters at an assigned meeting point near of Cyprus. If not intercepted, the ships will arrive in Gaza in 24 hours after leaving on Saturday from that meeting point.

IHH Humanitarian Relief Foundation